Category Archives: London PR

Next 15 Anticipates Healthy Growth Projection. What’s Next?


Public Relations tech firms are significant layers in a tech atmosphere each pr expert breathes in.

London tech communication group Next 15 has seen more than 60 percent of its revenue generated in the U.S. PR Week’s John Harrington blogged about a particular entry called “Next 15: US exposure and acquisitions to benefit full-year results (”

To better understand public relations and the countless of fields that are affected by its firms and agencies, one may simply look at the developing world they’re a part of and observe what exactly is blossoming before their eyes. For instance, in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, and so many other great nations, social, mobile, and cloud are the three primary tech platforms of communication.

Harrington’s blog touched on important details Next 15 will be greatly investing in for the 2017 year: data, content and technology. TheWallStreetJacob wants to reiterate this in the words of Next 15’s Chairman Richard Eyre.

“The group continues to invest in three areas: data, content and technology. This is positioning it well for the future and attracting a high caliber of talent and customers. In the year ahead we expect to enhance our data, content and technology capabilities organically and by acquisition, as we see these as drivers of long-term growth.”

TheWallStreetJacob (TWSJ) found this blog to be interesting because many outside tech agencies or firms must know and deal with the pressures of competing with native U.S. top-dogs who are trying to push competing tech rivals outside of the marketplace for digital and technology companies who seek to dip their foreign ‘chips’ into domestic ‘sauces.’

One has to ask themselves how they plan on going from good to great.

Next 15 has added General Motors, Unilever, KPMG and Deliveroo to its tech-resume, but are they good enough to help Next 15 see expected growth projections for the 2017 calendar year? Only time will tell.

Harrington wrote “The firm pointed to acquisitions in the past year, including tech PR agency Publitek, technical content and digital marketing firm Pinnacle, along with b2b digital marketing agency Twogether and market research business HPI.”

How will Next 15 improve its three primary tech platforms of communication–Social, Mobile and Cloud–to become a well liked American brand and is it in their best interest to implement a strategy to rip off its preexisting London label?

It would seem that with more exposure, Next 15 isn’t far from making it to the top, but there’s still many obstacles yet to face.